Stuff We Liked: Panty Liners for Lindy, Sweet Swing Sketches, Etc.

Here's what we hope will be a regular round-up of some of our favorite things that you've shared recently. Topping our list for this edition: Bodyform panty liners are apparently great for lindy hopping. Good to know.

Reddit's Sketch Daily forum is a place for artists of all skill levels to complete a daily drawing assignment. On May 9 the topic was swing dancing. Lots of neat submissions (and a few weird ones)! Here's some of our faves:

Other links to stuff we like:

  • Our friend Mandi Gould encourages folks for Frankie Month to change their profile picture on Facebook to one of you with Frankie Manning, or wearing your favorite swing outfit. 
  • SwingZine is a new lindy hop fanzine dedicated to "portraying the culture of swing dance and the heroes who make it special." It features interviews, articles, city guides and more. 
  • Our friends at the Frim Fram Jam had an amazing live dance concert last month featuring the Gordon Webster band. We can get enough of this closing number. 

Have something special you want to share with other lindy hoppers? Hit this link to share it with us, or email us at