Lindy Focus 2021 is On?!?

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We saw this on the Lindy Focus Facebook page and flipped our lids":

Lindy Focus is back!

We can’t predict the future, and certainly can’t predict our society’s progression out of the pandemic - but there is reason to hope. Lindy Focus, as a team, is planning in earnest for a return. We don’t yet know what the scale of the event will be. But everything is on the table, up-to-and-including a “full scale” event, IF it is deemed to be safe.

Some of you may be curious about things like vaccine requirements and other health policies. We will listen to experts, and absolutely will take no action judged to be unsafe for our attendees.

But we’ll be together again. Put it on your calendar. Dec. 26th 2021-Jan.1st 2022.

For those that don’t know, Lindy Focus is a week-long celebration of swing jazz and lindy hop that happens between Christmas and New Year’s every year in lovely Asheville, North Carolina. Here’s some highlights from Lindy Focus from a couple of years ago.

Check their Facebook page and website for updates as plans develop. Exciting!