Stuff We Liked: Funky Jazz Steps, Tribute to a Bal Follow, Songs Never to DJ, and Django Finally on Film

Holla Jazz is a dance troupe out of Toronto that has a “soulful, funky” approach to jazz movement. They shared this fun video “Holla Jazz Dance Dictionary” to showcase their style and flair.

Holla Jazz have an upcoming dance show called “Floor’d” from April 25-28. We’d love to check that out!

Other Stuff We Liked:

  • Bobby White has a sweet tribute to Anne Mills, an “original Bal dancer” who passed away recently at the age of 96. Check out this compilation of her dancing over the years.
  • Korean lindy hopper Nalla Kim has created a list of songs that a swing DJ should consider not playing for various reasons, particularly racist content. (And yes, it includes music featuring Steven Mitchell singing.) This seems particularly helpful for non-English speaking DJs. A crowd-sourced project, you can suggest a song for the list using this form. 
  • We’re big fans of the music legendary swing guitarist of Django Reinhardt. Surprisingly, there has never been a movie made about his life until today. “Django” is a French-production focusing on his flight from France in German-occupied Paris in 1943. Streaming on Amazon.
  • Last but certainly not least, those of you in the New York swing scene have long been dazzled by the sartorial artistry of Lana Turner of Harlem. Lana is featured in a lovely photo essay in a recent edition of The New Yorker with several stunning photos of Lana’s many fashion treasures. She is kind of our hero.
lana turner.jpg


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