"Dansa Först": Swedish Lindy Hop Film Premieres July 26

"Dansa Först" ("Dance First") is a new feature film premiering on July 26 in Sweden. Directed by actor and lindy hopper Rikard Svensson, this romantic drama looks like it will focus on lindy hop as a major part of the plot. I see that Norma Miller, Chester Whitmore, and the Harlem Hot Shots make an appearance in the film. 

Plot summary translated from the film's website:

When Lisa suffers a car accident and falls in a coma, Adam finds out that she has been unfaithful. His only clue is that the lover is a dancer. Determined to find out who his rival is, he learns to dance and takes under the assumed name into the Danish club’s inner circles. But will the dazzling power of the dance be enough to get Lisa back?

No word on if this film will reach the states or other countries.

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